Examining the Science Behind Hearing Loops

Two hundred years ago, hearing trumpets were the first of their kind in terms of individual sound amplification. Oh how far we’ve come – fast forward to today and we have not only modern hearing aids with state of the art technology but we’ve added hearing loops to the mix. They are becoming popular within conference room meetings, congregational gatherings and public spots, helping people with hearing problems better detect sound in crowded situations. Background noise can really cause a problem in meetings and the like, and hearing loops cure all that. Hearing loops can enhance the listening experience for users with hearing aids, even without the use of extra equipment. Fitted with special telecoils that can pick up on the cables throughout a room, people with hearing aids are better able to hear what’s going on.

What Are Hearing Loops?

Mixing two components of technology, hearing loops are comprised of technology that’s inherent in hearing aids worn by those with varying hearing impairments. These loops are made up of an actual cable running throughout a building or a room, with both elements working in harmony with one another. People can hear what is being because both parts transmit ambient sounds within the room.

A Closer Look

The pairing of hearing aids and remote telecoil technology comes from the t-switches are inherent in most hearing aids and cochlear implants that we see today. The switch makes it possible for the individual to access electromagnetic sounds sent through the hearing loop when activated in the hearing aid. This results in the ability to pick up on sounds in a clearer way without all the distraction that comes with background noises and the use of a single hearing aid. These loops also work in conjunction with microphones for an even clearer display of conversations during meetings.
The two-part system works due to a basic mechanism that came about from research involving telephone technology. The loop is placed around a room or area to detect and transmit sounds via electromagnetic signals that are powerful enough to be detected by a telecoil, which makes handset telephones obtain better ranges and signals when not placed on their base.


Incredibly, thanks to the increased usability of hearing loops, some states and countries are looking to implement legislation making the use of this technology mandatory in some public places. This growing awareness has acted as the catalyst for this change, as is the technology behind the whole process.

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